I really miss cable. We have not been able to get cable and will not until the first. That whole money thing...
This got me thinking: there are a lot of things I miss...and of course, things I don't. Here are some:
1. MISS: The first time I held my first daughter, Lena. She was tiny and had a cone shaped head.
1. DON'T MISS: Her first explosive diarrhea...Every baby has this. It's like a poop landmine that goes off in their diaper, effectively covering everything they touch in poo. As much as I DON'T miss this, she seemed to feel better at the time. Go figure
2. MISS: Summer Vacations when I was a kid. I would go outside @ 10 am and wouldn't return until that night. I was having adventures and bike riding. I was going to the library and just getting into all kinds of mischief...
2. DON'T MISS: Getting spanked because I left at 10am and didn't return till that night. That sucked.
3. MISS: The nineties. I liked the nineties. They were my decade. musically, they were excellent...Also, I went to college in the nineties. I met my wife and started a family in the nineties. The nineties!!!!!!
3. DON'T MISS: The Backstreet Boys. This "band" (note the quotes) started in Orlando in 1993. And for that reason alone, I hate the nineties.
4. MISS: Not working. I don't mean as an adult, but as a kid. I miss not having to work. Sure, I did work, and I made some money, and that was nice, but I miss not HAVING to work.
4. DON'T MISS: being broke because I didn't work. I know, it's a conundrum. But, Life is a circle...
5. MISS: Saturday morning cartoons circa 1985 or so...EVERY channel had cartoons. "Rock 'n Wrestling", 'Smurfs", "Snorks" (they were the underwater smurfs). I miss the Saturday before the new fall season of Saturday morning cartoons began...there was always that hour long show previewing the cartoons. I especially miss sitting in my underwear, eating a bowl of cereal, and camping in front of the TV. My wife frowns upon me doing that now...Maybe because I try to recreate my youthful Saturdays by wearing spiderman underwear...(It's not the same pair!!!!)
5. DON'T MISS: Saturday morning cartoons, circa NOW! Does every cartoon have to be about a. a card game, b. bad japanimation, and c. NOTHING?! Really! I have never wanted to shoot myself so much as when I watched Yu-Gi-OH! Or, even worse, DragonBall Z..or as my wife refers to it, Dragonballs. ( I still laugh at that) They are so bad, it doesn't even count as quality time with the family!
What do you miss? What don't you miss?
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