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Monday, April 5, 2010

A New Direction

You know, here is the thing about blogging. It makes you narcissistic. I mean, you send this stuff out into the ether expecting someone to read it. After all, why else blog? Your opinion MUST matter to someone, right?

I have gone astray on my blog. As I read some of my older posts, I realize I got a little too preachy. Now, don't get me wrong. I am a DIE HARD Christian, a Christ disciple if you will. However, to quote a friend of mine, I occasionally drop an F bomb, and I don't mean "fart". ( I can do that well, too)

But, I have decided that I no longer wish to preach. If someone asks me about Jesus, I will be there to answer what I can and direct them to where they need to be. But, insomuch as this blog is concerned, I promise not to write it from my soapbox anymore...

That being said, you should check out my wife's blog. It is

We have two autistic sons and 5 daughters...(most of the time, it is the daughters that give us the grief, but don't tell them that...I am out numbered :P )

So, from here on in, It is going to be me, au naturel...well, sort of. I promise to keep my clothes on.

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I am a father of seven awesome kids, and the husband to the most understanding wife ever!