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Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wife #2
However, there are dangers in this. For one, Emily and I are now "married". She told me that she wanted to marry me. When I pointed out that I was already married to her mother, she agreed to become "wife number 2". There is also the emulation.
They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. If that is indeed the case, then Emily has flattered me greatly.
Tonight, she informed Melissa that she had, quote,"dropped a deuce". She did not lie.
Even now as I sit here, I am speechless. Besides being the funniest thing I have ever heard, I am also presented with a conundrum. I believe in free speech, but just how free is the question...more on this to come.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Top ten part 1
On the other hand, it feels like it has been forever ago since that fateful day. It is in this vein I present for your perusal the top ten things I have learned about marriage.
10.) Farting. When you first get together, God forbid your better half hear you burp, much less drop an air bomb. Now, farting has replaced the customary "good morning". However, hot boxing is still illegal.
9.) Spaghetti. In the beginning of a relationship, eating is a very intimate and romantic thing...except for spaghetti. Very few people can eat spaghetti and NOT look like an out of control slob...pasta hanging out of your mouth while you slurp the noodles up, sauce covering your chin and shirt...disgusting!
8.) Car rides are a great way to get to know each other...but if you already know each other, it is the worst place to get into a fight...let's face it, where are you going to go at 60 mph? In fact, I think my wife lays into me more just to get me to jump out of a moving vehicle.
7.) Facebook...No really, facebook. All I am saying is, I have more virtual friends...just saying...
6.) Cooking. My wife Still loves it when I cook. She just hates eating it.
5.) T.V. Here is the thing...I am a guy. I like bikinis and violence. It is my nature, my MALE nature. 99% of men agree with me...I do NOT understand how you can just watch QVC...or Lifetime...or Oprah...however, I do receive Oprah's spirit letter via email...
4.) Sympathy. If I was to chop my hand off, walk into the living room with blood spraying everywhere and my bony, gruesome stump poking out of my shirt sleeve, she would ask if the trash was out yet...there is NO sympathy!
3.) Laughing. When we first got together, we would laugh at the same things. Now, she just laughs at me...oddly enough, only when I am naked...hhhmmm...
2.) In-laws...When we first got together, Melissa's Dad, Leon, HATED me. I think if he could have gotten away with it, he would have buried me in an unmarked grave...Now, we talk about football on Sundays. She is still working on the in law issues...
1.) The greatest thing I have learned about marriage is this. She is always right. IF she were to wake up and tell me that the sky was filled with soup, I would have to get a bowl. Not because the sky is filled with soup, but because she is ALWAYS right. I never realized how wrong I was until I married my wife...
In truth, Our marriage has been the greatest adventure and story I have ever been a part of. I kid, because I love. Love you, Melissa
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
With great power...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
It's beginning to look a lot like...
There is something magical about the end of the year. In our part of the world, we get to watch as the world slowly nods off and falls into a deep slumber. The colors are brilliant, the air fills every part of you with excitement and nostalgia for year past when you were a kid.
I remember trick-or-treating as a kid in Illinois, and we got apples and pennies, sometimes homemade cookies. I also remember having a Halloween birthday party as my birthday was so close to Halloween.
But, above else, I love the closeness I feel with my family during this time of year. We are all hunkering down for the winter, harvesting if you will, and things about one another that we never knew before. For instance, Alison is apparently boy crazy. My little Ali Rose, 12 years old on Friday, and she says she has a boyfriend. She has also kissed him. Am I ready for the talk? No, but it is time.
Well, it is my birthday tomorrow, the 21st. I will be 35. Funny, but when I was 15, I never thought I would make to 35, now I can't wait until I make to 65 with Melissa. And of course, the monkey, Tobey Jude. 35 years is a long time. They say that when an object makes it 25 years, it becomes an antique. *sigh* Antiques roadshow, here I come. Unfortunately, I will be in one of those scenes where the antique is not worth as much as the owner thinks it is...Happy fall, Y'all!
Saturday, July 31, 2010

So, first thing's first, I made dinner. And the Pizza hut pizza was exquisite. We watched "Igor", a computer animated tail of a young hunchback who dreams of being a real scientist. Then, it was time for bed.
Now, so far, it sounds boring and uneventful. And, it was...You see, at my house, that does NOT happen!!! Bedtime is a ritual filled with torture and gnashing of teeth. Two of my kids, the autistic ones, HAVE to be medicated for sleep. (We have tried without once, and Mr Tobey pulled a 36 hour shift.)
Then it's time for the pjs, the running, the yelling, the fighting, the food frenzy, and ultimately, the crying (done by me). Truthfully, I think I would have an easier time running with the bulls...but this night was different.
I titled this entry "Toblerone" for a reason. That is the nickname my son's pre k teacher (Kate Sullivan, greatest teacher in the world) gave him. Long for Tobey. And, in our house, Tobey is the measuring stick.
We base everything we do on whether Tobey and Edwin can handle the situation. For instance, we are driving down to Disneyland ( or is it world? in Florida? I can never get the two straight). Why? Because the boys cannot handle waiting in line for check in, sitting on the tarmac, flying on the plane, or anything that involves them staying still for two seconds. They both also have ADHD, which doesn't help. However, for some reason, Mr Tobey LOVES riding in the car. He would do it all day and night if you let him. In fact, he is the best kid we have in the car...While the others skillfully and purposely plot and attempt each other's and our murder, he sits quietly, looking out the window, enjoying the ride.
Sometimes, I wonder if we couldn't all take a lesson from him. Sometimes, it's the trip, NOT the destination.
I love Toblerone...
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010
I hate basketball
However, I find myself interested in the NCAA championship game! I fell out of my bracket in the sweet 16, but How about them Bulldogs? Let's go Indiana!!! As I type, I am keeping tabs on the score. And the Bulldogs are behind...but barely. Am I a fairweather fan? Sort of. I mean, I don't follow Bulldog basketball, or any basketball for that reason. But, the only team we have that has had any success is the Colts. And let's face it, I love the Colts, but this year's Superbowl was a heartbreaker!
With that being said, I hope the Bulldogs win. And for the love of God, can we have at least a .750 season for Irish Football?!
A New Direction
I have gone astray on my blog. As I read some of my older posts, I realize I got a little too preachy. Now, don't get me wrong. I am a DIE HARD Christian, a Christ disciple if you will. However, to quote a friend of mine, I occasionally drop an F bomb, and I don't mean "fart". ( I can do that well, too)
But, I have decided that I no longer wish to preach. If someone asks me about Jesus, I will be there to answer what I can and direct them to where they need to be. But, insomuch as this blog is concerned, I promise not to write it from my soapbox anymore...
That being said, you should check out my wife's blog. It is
We have two autistic sons and 5 daughters...(most of the time, it is the daughters that give us the grief, but don't tell them that...I am out numbered :P )
So, from here on in, It is going to be me, au naturel...well, sort of. I promise to keep my clothes on.
Monday, January 25, 2010
The write up
Have you ever done something wrong, and at the time, you knew it was wrong or not the right thing to do, but you did it anyway? How many choices do we make in life, and how many are the right ones. I know of 8 choices I have made that are great. Watching the AFC championship game was one of them. Just kidding, although, it was a great game for Colts fans. Is there a better QB than Peyton?
Ok, back to subject...I am batting a .080 for great choices in my life, but i am working to make it a .500 Wish me luck!!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
birthdays birthdays birthdays

It is amazing how the time flies. I still remember bringing her home...the weather was bitterly cold that day. The hospital was so inactive that, even though she was born on January 8, she was the new year's baby for Starke county.
The little dude on the right, as you may know from a previous post, is Tobey. 12 days and two years after Gracie was born, Tobey was born.
You know, thinking back, I just am amazed at my family. We are not perfect, nor do we try to be. But, we love each other...completely. If there is one thing I try to instill in my kids, it is love each other!
Happy Birthday, Kids!!!! Daddy Loves you!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Let's do the time warp...again!

- Update my blog more often. I don't really know how many people read this, but for those of you that do, I want to make sure you are getting your money's worth!
- Think of intersting anecdotes and stories to put on my blog;
- Appreciate the Aglet more...I mean, really, without it, where would you be? shoeless...or in comfortable sandals;
- Love more!!!
Now, Number 4 is interesting. We are all examples in life...some are examples of how TO live your life, others are examples of what NOT to do. I have decided that I want to be the former. I am not saying that people look to my example for their lives, nor am I saying I want them to! However, in life, you are either one or the other, so you have to choose. And, I want my kids to look to me in their adult lives and say,"I am doing that THIS way, it's how Dad would have done it."
I think all too often, we see too many examples of people taking the wrong path in life. No one wants to be Tiger Woods right now, or Brittany Murphy. In fact, I think we see a lot of people who would rather not be in their own shoes! It takes work and courage to find the positives in life.
Well, that's about all for now...later this month and year, I will tell about the paths my family have taken and how we suffered AND benefited from them. And you will be surprised at which is which!
Until then, God's Blessing on all of you!
About Me

- I am a father of seven awesome kids, and the husband to the most understanding wife ever!