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Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wife #2
However, there are dangers in this. For one, Emily and I are now "married". She told me that she wanted to marry me. When I pointed out that I was already married to her mother, she agreed to become "wife number 2". There is also the emulation.
They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. If that is indeed the case, then Emily has flattered me greatly.
Tonight, she informed Melissa that she had, quote,"dropped a deuce". She did not lie.
Even now as I sit here, I am speechless. Besides being the funniest thing I have ever heard, I am also presented with a conundrum. I believe in free speech, but just how free is the question...more on this to come.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Top ten part 1
On the other hand, it feels like it has been forever ago since that fateful day. It is in this vein I present for your perusal the top ten things I have learned about marriage.
10.) Farting. When you first get together, God forbid your better half hear you burp, much less drop an air bomb. Now, farting has replaced the customary "good morning". However, hot boxing is still illegal.
9.) Spaghetti. In the beginning of a relationship, eating is a very intimate and romantic thing...except for spaghetti. Very few people can eat spaghetti and NOT look like an out of control slob...pasta hanging out of your mouth while you slurp the noodles up, sauce covering your chin and shirt...disgusting!
8.) Car rides are a great way to get to know each other...but if you already know each other, it is the worst place to get into a fight...let's face it, where are you going to go at 60 mph? In fact, I think my wife lays into me more just to get me to jump out of a moving vehicle.
7.) Facebook...No really, facebook. All I am saying is, I have more virtual friends...just saying...
6.) Cooking. My wife Still loves it when I cook. She just hates eating it.
5.) T.V. Here is the thing...I am a guy. I like bikinis and violence. It is my nature, my MALE nature. 99% of men agree with me...I do NOT understand how you can just watch QVC...or Lifetime...or Oprah...however, I do receive Oprah's spirit letter via email...
4.) Sympathy. If I was to chop my hand off, walk into the living room with blood spraying everywhere and my bony, gruesome stump poking out of my shirt sleeve, she would ask if the trash was out yet...there is NO sympathy!
3.) Laughing. When we first got together, we would laugh at the same things. Now, she just laughs at me...oddly enough, only when I am naked...hhhmmm...
2.) In-laws...When we first got together, Melissa's Dad, Leon, HATED me. I think if he could have gotten away with it, he would have buried me in an unmarked grave...Now, we talk about football on Sundays. She is still working on the in law issues...
1.) The greatest thing I have learned about marriage is this. She is always right. IF she were to wake up and tell me that the sky was filled with soup, I would have to get a bowl. Not because the sky is filled with soup, but because she is ALWAYS right. I never realized how wrong I was until I married my wife...
In truth, Our marriage has been the greatest adventure and story I have ever been a part of. I kid, because I love. Love you, Melissa
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
With great power...

About Me

- I am a father of seven awesome kids, and the husband to the most understanding wife ever!